Closing Conference: Presentation of the final results of the RuralCare project

19 September 2023 

The current demographic reality in Castilla y León is characterized by an ageing population, with 60% living in rural areas. The Rural Care project is developing an integrated model of long-term care which is people and community-centred, enabling people to stay in their own homes with the necessary support, based on an integral assessment of their wishes and their environment.

The closing conference will discuss the results of the project and how the findings can be replicated and upscaled in other rural areas across Europe.


Maria Isabel Blanco Counsellor of the Department for Families and Equal Opportunities, Regional Government of Castilla y León, Spain

What is RuralCare? What are the challenges? Framed within the “Agusto en casa”

María del Rocío Oliva Head of Senior Care and Dependency Prevention Service, Technical Directorate of Care for Older Adults and People with Disabilities, Regional Government of Castilla y León, Spain

“Agusto en casa”, learnings and sustainability. RuralCare framed within the Spanish desinstitucionalization Strategy. 18th European Pillar of Social Rights- Long Term Care.

Eduardo García General Director of care for older adults and people with disabilities of the Social Services Department of Castilla y León Region, Spain
Luis Barriga General Director of the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services (IMSERSO), Spain
Diana Eriksonaite, Policy Officer, Long-term Care Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
Moderator: Carlos Raúl de Pablos Manager of Social Services Regional Government of Castilla y León, Spain

Carolina Bravo Social Worker, CEAS, Provincial Council of Valladolid, Spain
María Ángeles de Álvaro Head of the Health Planning, Socio-Health Coordination and Mental Health Service of the Regional Health Management of the Junta de Castilla y León, Spain
Laura Merino Technical Coordinator of the project, People Foundation, Spain

Moderator: Belén Maderuelo Head of the Social Action Area of the Territorial Management of Social Services of Valladolid, Spain

María Ángeles de Álvaro Head of the Health Planning, Socio-Health Coordination and Mental Health Service of the Regional Health Management, Junta de Castilla y León, Spain
Laura Merino Technical Coordinator of the Project, People Foundation, Spain

Moderator: Belén Maderuelo Head of the Social Action Area, Territorial Management of Social Services of Valladolid, Spain

Benedicto Caminero Technical Director of Care for Older Adults and People with Disabilities, Department of Social Services, Regional Government of Castilla y León
José Manuel Fresno Executive Director, FRESNO Consulting

Alfonso Lara Montero, Chief Executive Officer, European Social Network

Carlos Raúl de Pablos Manager of Social Services, Regional Government of Castilla y León, Spain


Principales resultados en las personas

Principales resultados de RuralCare

Introducción del proyecto RuralCare

Evaluación de resultados en el entorno en las instituciones y económica

Escalado y transferencia del Proyecto Rural Care

For more information contact:

José María Iglesias
Project Manager