Sustainability in person-centred long-term care in rural areas


18 September 2023

RuralCare project develops an integrated model of long-term care people and community centred. This model seeks to favour the permanence of people at home, according to their wishes and choices and agreeing on the necessary support to develop their life project. For this, the model focuses on the integral assessment of the person and the environment around. The person receiving care is at the center of the model.

The objectives of this event are:

  • Sharing results and lessons learned from the RuralCare project to regional, national, and European actors.
  • Promoting the exchange of experiences and perspectives with other models of long-term care in rural in Spain and in Europe and obtain learning for practice.
  • Sharing knowledge and experiences that help generate knowledge and a common understanding of care models based on people’s life projects and community life.

With all this, the event aims to contribute to up scaling and replication of the good practices in the context of LTC considering the challenges of sustainability.


Eduardo García  General Director of Care for Older Adults and People with Disabilities, Social Services Department, Castilla y León.

What is Rural Care? Why was it born? What are the challenges? Framed within the “Agusto en Casa”

• Presentation of the model “A Gusto en casa” – learnings and sustainability
• RuralCare in practice: professional interventions and key aspects of the model
• RuralCare – the beneficiaries perspective: testimonials (video)

Benedicto Caminero Technical Director of Care for Elderly People and People with Disabilities Department of Social Services, Castilla y León.

European Care Strategy • Main challenges of care in sparsely populated rural areas • Spanish long-term care strategy
Juan Recio Representative of the Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities Comité (CERMI), Spain
Representative  IMSERSO, Spain
Moderator: Benedicto Caminero Technical Director of Care for older adults and People with Disabilities, Department of Social Services of Castilla y León, Spain

Financing of services • Organization of jurisdiction and coordination with health services • Public/private cooperation •Community activation • Recruitment and training of professionals

  • José Manuel Fresno Fresno Consulting, Spain
  • Juan Col Manager for Medical Innovation and New Technologies in the Health Sector of Barbastro, Aragón, Spain
  • María del Rocío Oliva Head of the Senior Care and Dependency Prevention Service. Technical Directorate of Care for older adults and People with Disabilities of the Regional Government of Castilla y León, Spain
  • Jesús Mazariegos Director General, Fundación Personas, Spain

Moderator: Vicente Herrero, Head of the Area of Social Services and Equal Opportunities, Provincial Council of Valladolid, Spain

  • Merja Tepponen Chief Development Officer, Doc. Sci (Health and Social Care), The wellbeing services county of South Karelia, Finland
  • Camilla Lindgren Head of Elderly Care, Höganas Municipality/Höganäs Omsorg AB, Sweden
    Karin Borgman Remse Head of Health and Medical Care , Höganäs municipality/Höganäs Omsorg AB, Sweden
    Kevin Mitchell Executive Director of Scrutiny and Assurance, Care Inspectorate, Scotland
  • Claire Pierce, Service Manager, Care Inspectorate, Scotland

Moderator: Alfonso Lara Montero, Chief Executive Officer, European Social Network

Moderator: Alfonso Lara Montero, Chief Executive Officer, European Social Network


Sustainable care in the rural environment European Experiences_Finland

Introducción al Proyecto Rural Care

Sustainability in long term care in rural

Höganäs Today

For more information contact:

José María Iglesias
Project Manager