Long-term person-centred care models

Presentation of global results

25 September 2023

The idea of the event is to present the main results obtained within the EU project Ruralcare. The theme is centred-person long term care models in rural areas. The participants will be representative of Social Services from different regional governments in Spain, representatives of the DG Employment, social affairs and inclusion from the EC, representatives of RuralCare project partners.


Maria Isabel Blanco Counsellor of the Department for Families and Equal Opportunities, Regional Government of Castilla y León, Spain

Zoe Tzotze-Lanara Member, European Economic and Social Committee; Rapporteur, Health Workforce and Care Strategy for the Future of Europe.
Eduardo García Brea General Director of Care for Older Adults and People with Disabilities, Social Services Department, Castilla y León Region, Spain

Vicente Herrero, Head of Social Services and Equal Opportunities, Provincial Council of Valladolid, Spain,
María Ángeles de Álvaro Head of the Health Planning, Socio-Health Coordination and Mental Health Service of the Regional Health Management, Regional Government of Castilla y León, Spain
Jesus Mazariegos General Director, People Foundation, Spain

Moderator: María del Rocío Oliva Head of the Senior Care and Dependency Prevention Service, Technical Directorate of Care for Older Adults and People with Disabilities, Castilla y Leon Region, Spain

José Manuel Fresno Executive Director, Fresno Consulting, Spain

Leticia Henar Lomeña Consultant, FRESNO Consulting, Spain


Moderator: María del Rocío Oliva Head of the Senior Care and Dependency Prevention Service. Technical Directorate of Care for Older Adults and People with Disabilities, Castilla y Leon Region, Spain

Benedicto Caminero Technical Director of Care for Older Adults and People with Disabilities Department of Social Services, Regional Government of Castilla y León, Spain
Dana Carmen Bachmann Head of Unit, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
Sirpa Pietikäinen Member of the European Parliament, EPP, Finland; Rapporteur ‘Towards a Common European Action on Care’
Stefania Ilinca Technical Officer for Long-term Care, WHO Regional Office for Europe

Moderator: Martin Lichte Senior Policy Officer, European Social Network


Rural Care - Evaluation Results

For more information:

José María Iglesias
Project Manager
